To live a life you will remember is to be present in reality, and complete with your choices. To live a life you will remember is to accept things as they are, and get the most out of every situation you are in. To live a life you will remember is to combine the digital world with reality itself. Experience the situation full force, and still swipe some pictures, so that we remember what was (and share)To live a life you will remember is to produce value, to produce positive energy, to be optimistic and smile, and to decide that anything is possible. To live a life you will remember is to think of the other first, and to make them feel comfortable in the situation they are in. Because only in this way will you both create powerful memories, that will go forward with you.
To live a life you will remember is to dream big! Because when you dream big and really mean it - you invest and give it all! From the heart! And then... It's coming true. Even when it's hard and not going right, and no one believes in you - you have faith in yourself, the belief that you can fulfill and succeed. That you have the strengths to fulfill yourself and live a life you will remember. To live a life you will remember is to understand that everything can be permanent, but you are the one who can change. It is to get up and do and not sit on the fence. It's trying, coping even though things are complex. To live a life we will remember is a deep understanding that life is a journey - and as with any journey, there are ups, downs, joys, and moments of disappear. But always, always it starts and ends with you, and the way you face the challenge you are in.
After all, in the end, this journey is over and a moment before it is said that you look back on the past, and ask yourself what I accomplished in my journey, and how I went through it. And in the end, you just want:
To live a life that will be remembered.